




We know that cellulite and retention of body fluids are the enemies of women! For this, Dietalinea® responded with a range of products that menhance the feminine silhouette from the aesthetic and the health point of view. Targeted treatments with high concentrations of active ingredients which help reducing localized fat, swelling, toxins and heaviness.


Aquabalance Rassodan Dren Forte preserves the physiological function of elimination of body fluids, avoiding intracellular accumulation.
Its anti-water retention power and its very strong antioxidant action, thanks to the presence of the “indicaxantin” molecule – an antioxidant phytochemical compound resulting from the Prickly Pear – and from the other “superfruit” – the Passion Fruit conveniently pulverized and concentrated, makes it an element able to increase by 27% the elimination of the excess water from the body and to increase by 50% the natural antioxidant defenses to achieve a complete detoxifying effect.
The additional stick of AQUALOSS, integrates perfectly the draining/diuretic action of plant extracts already present in the bottle, adding its beneficial antioxidant, detoxifying and draining support.




Aqua Balance Urto Arricchita

Aqua Balance Urto Arricchita

Aqua Balance Urto Arricchita

Aqua Balance Rassodan Night

Aqua Balance Rassodan Night

Aqua Balance Rassodan Night

Aqua Balance ForteComplex

Aqua Balance ForteComplex

Aqua Balance ForteComplex

Aqua Balance Aqualos Tè verde

Aqua Balance Aqualos Tè verde

Aqua Balance Aqualos Tè verde

Aqua Balance Aqualos Ananas

Aqua Balance Aqualos Ananas

Aqua Balance Aqualos Ananas